With a Tea Bag.
Boil water, pour the hot water over the teabag in the cup as well as any sugar or sweetener. Do not put in the tea bag afterwards, this is much less effective. Pouring the water over the sugar makes the sugar dissolve into the water more easily. Steep for the desired amount of time. Remove teabag.
With Loose Leaf Tea.
You need something to put the loose leaf tea in. I use the Perfect Teamaker from Teavana- found here
I have also used those mesh metal tea balls, there are tea bags you can buy, and kettles are usually equipped to be able to use loose leaf tea, they include strainers.
Follow instructions to make tea with a tea bag.
To Make Decaffinated Tea.
Make a cup of tea normally. Throw out the liquid, use the same tea bag or loose leaf tea to make another cup. This will get rid of 90% of the caffeine. Note: most tea bags are not able to make more than one cup. Oolong tea makes particularly good second rounds of tea.
Hurry Up Method - make hot tea using twice the suggested amount of tea. Pour over Ice.
Sun Tea Method - put tea into room temperature water, you want to be able to put a lid on this. I like making it in mason jars. Leave in the sun. The next day you will have delicious tea!
Cool It Method- make hot tea. put in fridge. drink after it's cold!
point of reference: 8 oz of coffee has about 100mg or more of caffeine. All caffeine counts are based off of 8 oz. Black Tea
- has 40-100mg of caffeine
- best steeped for 2-3 minutes
- will taste bitter if steeped too long
Green Tea
- has 26mg of caffeine
- best steeped for 1 minute
- will taste bitter if steeped too long or using boiling water, let the water cool briefly
Yerba Mate Tea
- has 80 mg of caffeine
- best steeped for 5-6 minutes
Oolong Tea
- has 30 mg of caffeine
- best steeped for 3 minutes
Red Tea and White Tea
- have negligible amounts of caffeine
- best if steeped 5 minutes
Herbal Tea
- no caffeine
- best if steeped 4-5 minutes
- caffeine content of tea is debated, but this is the general consensus. Tea has different amounts of caffeine when it is dry and when it has been steeped, and time left steeping also affects caffeine.
- filtered water makes tea taste better
- water temperature does make a difference, but that's fancy. This is a crash course.
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